Underlines indicate trainee contributions.
69. Weinrauch, A., Blewett, T.A., Anderson, W.G. 2025. Characterization of intestitnal amino acid and oleic acid absorption and their interaction in the Pacific spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi). J. Comp. Phyiol. B. Accepted.
68. Overduin, S., Killen, S.S., Zimmer, A.M., McCuaig J.D., Cotgrove, L., Aragao I., Rozanitis, K.J., Konhauser, O.K., Alessi, D.S., Blewett, T.A. 2025. Social context affects tissue-specific copper distribution and behaviour of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safe, 289, 117432.
67. Tiddy, I., Cortese, D., Munson, A., Blewett, T.A., Killen, S.S. 2024. Impacts of anthropogenic pollutants on social group cohesion and individual sociability in fish: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Environ. Poll. 363, 125017.
66. Boyd, A., Martin, S., Legge, A. and Blewett. T.A. Are sunscreens better together? A comparison of the toxicity of individual ultraviolet filters and off-the-shelf sunscreens. Environ. Poll. 362, 124953.
65. Cowen, Z.L., Green, L., Clark, T.D., Blewett, T.A., De Bonville J., Gagnon, T., Hoots, E., Kunchenmuller, L., Leeuwis, R. H. J., Navajas Acedo, J., Rowsey, L.E., Scheuffele, H., Skeeles, M.R., Silva-Garay, L., Jutfelt, F., Binning, S.A. 2024. Global change and premature hatching of aquatic embryos. Glob. Change. Biol. 30, 10.1111/gcb.17488.
64. Weinrauch, A.M., Dumar, Z.J., Overduin S.L., Goss, G.G., Leys, S.P., Blewett, T.A. Evidence for transporter-mediated uptake of environmental l-glutamate in a freshwater sponge, Ephydatia muelleri. J. Comp. Physiol. B. 194, 10.17632/54zmgtkp2t.1.
63. Blewett, T.A., Ackerly, K., Schlenker, L., Martin, S., Nielsen, K. 2024. Implications of Biotic Factors for Toxicity Testing in Laboratory Studies. Sci. Tot. Environ. 908, 168220.
62. Stewart C.B., Lowes, H.M., Mehler, W.T., Snihur, K.N., Flynn, S.L., Alessi, D.S., Blewett.T.A. 2023. Spatial and Temporal Variation in Toxicity and Composition of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback and Produced Water. J. Haz. Mat. 460, 132490.
61. Griffin, R.A., McCuaig J.D., Glover, C.N., Blewett, T.A. 2023. Waterborne amino acids: uptake and functional roles in aquatic animals. Accepted in Journal of Experimental Biology. Invited Commentary. 226, jeb245375.
60. Suominen E., Speers-Roesch, B., Fadhlaoui, M. Patrice, C., Blewett, T.A., Cremazy A. 2023. The effects of winter cold acclimation on the acute and chronic cadmium bioaccumulation and toxicity in the banded killifish (Fundulus diaphanus). Aqua.Toxicol. 262, 106667.
59. Jeong, N., Wiltse, M., Boyd, A., Blewett, T.A., Park, S., Broeckling, C., Wang, R., Lin, S., Borch, T, Tong, T. 2023. Efficacy of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis for the treatment of oil-field produced water intended for beneficial reuse. Environ. Sci. Technol. Engineer. *ACS editor's choice paper. 3, 10, 1568-1581.
58. Griffin R.A., Boyd, A. and Blewett, T.A. The secret dining habits of crabs: investigations into branchial L-leucine transport in invasive and native crustaceans. Con. Physiol. Volume 11.
57. Griffin, R.A., McCuaig J.D., Blewett, T.A. Anthropogenic contaminant effects on crustacean physiology. In: Biology of Carcinus maenas, Editors: Iain McGaw and Dirk Weihrauch. *Invited Book Chapter*
56. Lowes, H.M, Eliason, E.J., Snihur, K.N., Alessi, D.S., Blewett, T.A .2023. Copper toxicity does not affect low tide emersion tolerance of Mytilus galloprovincialis. Mar. Poll. Bull. 189, 114750.
55. Lowes H.M., Weinrauch, A.M., Bouyoucos, I.A., Griffin, R.A., Daniels, K., Alessi, D.S., Blewett, T.A. 2023. Copper exposure does not alter the ability of intertidal sea cucumber Cucumaria miniate to tolerate emersion during low tide. Sci. Tot. Environ. 872:162085.
54. Boyd, A.* Luu, I.,* Mehta, D., Myers, S.P., Stewart, C.B., Shivakumar, K.R., Snihur, K., Alessi, D.S., Rodriguez Gallo, M.C., Veilleux, H., Wiltse, M.E.m Borch, T., Uhrig, R.G. and Blewett, T.A. 2023. Persisting effects following an acute exposure to flowback and produced waters in Daphnia magna. Environ. Sci. Technol. 57 (6), 2380-2392.
* Indicates co-first authorship.
53. Boyd, A., Choi, J., Ren, G., How, Z.T., Gamal El Din, M., Tierney, K.B., Blewett, T.A. 2023. Can short-term data accurately model long-term environmental exposures? Investigating the multigenerational adaptation potential of Daphnia magna to environmental concentrations of organic ultraviolet filters. J. Haz. Mat. 445. 130598.
52. Blewett T.A., Binning S.A., Weinraunch, A.M., Ivy, C.M., Rossi, G.S., Borowiec, B.G., Lau, G.Y., Overduin, S., Aragao, I. and Norin, T. Physiology and behavioural strategies of aquatic animals living in fluctuating environments. J. Exp. Biol. 225.
51. Turko, A.J., Rossi, G.S., Blewett, T.A., Currie, S., Taylor, S.D., Wright, P.A., Standen, E.M.2022. Context-dependent relationships between athletic performance and body composition in the amphibious fish Krytolebias marmoratus. J. Exp. Biol. 225.
50. Martin, K.E., Blewett. T.A., Burnett, M., Rubinger, K.C., Standen, E.M., Taylor, S.D., Trueman, D.J., Turko, A., Weir, L., West, C.M., Wright, P.A., Currie, S. 2022. The importance of familiarity, relatedness and vision in social recognition in wild and laboratory populations of a selfing, hermaphroditic mangrove fish. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 76:34.
49. Cooper, C, McCall, J., Stokes, S., McKay, C., Bentley, M., Rosenblum, J., Blewett, T.A., Huang, Z., Miara, A., Talmadge, M., Evans, A., Sitterley, K, Kurup, P., Stokes-Draut, J., Macknick, J., Borch, T., Cath, T. and Katz, L. 2022. Oil and gas produced water reuse: opportunities, treatment needs and challenges. Environ. Sci. Technol: Engineering. 2, 3, 347-366.
48. Boyd, A., Myer, S.P., Luu, I., Snihur, K., Alessi, D.S., Freitag, K., Blewett, T.A. 2022. A common well pad does not imply common toxicity: assessing the acute and chronic toxicity of four Montney Formation wells on the same well pad to the freshwater invertebrate Daphnia magna. In revision with Sci. Tot. Environ. 807:150986.
47. Blewett, T.A., Leonard, E.M., Glover, C.N., McClelland, G.B., Wood, C.M., McGeer, J.C., Santore, R.C., D. S. Smith. 2021. The effect of marine dissolved organic carbon on nickel accumulation in early life-stages of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Comp. Biochem. Phys. C. 250:109150.
46. Gauthier, P.T, Blewett, T.A., Garman, E.R., Schlekat, C.E., Middleton, E.T., Suominen, E.M., Cremazy, A. 2021. Environmental risk of nickel in aquatic Arctic ecosystems. Sci.Tot.Environ. 797:148921.
45. Sherman S., Weibin, C., Blewett, T.A., Middleton, E., Garman, E.R., Schlekat, C.E., McGeer, J., Smith, D.S. 2021. Complexation reduces nickel toxicity to purple sea urchin embryos (Stronglyocentrotus purpuratus), a test of biotic ligand principles in sea water. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 216:112156.
44. Blewett, T.A., Boyd, A., Folkerts, E.J., Snihur, K.N., Alessi, D.S., Goss, G.G. 2021. Effect of temperature on phenanthrene accumulation from hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Environ. Poll. 272:116411.
43. Lowes H.M., Snihur, K.N., Alessi, D.S., Clements, C.J., Blewett. T.A. 2021. Group vs Individual exposure: Do methodological decisions in aquatic toxicology alter experimental results? Sci. Tot. Environ. 764:144288.
42. Boyd, A., Stewart, C.B., Philibert, D.A. , How, Z.T., Gamal El Din, M., Tierney, K.B., Blewett, T.A. 2021. A burning issue: the effect of organic ultraviolet filter exposure on the behaviour and physiology of Daphnia magna. Sci. Tot. Environ. 750:141707.
41. Weinrauch, A.M., Folkerts, E.J., Alessi, D.S., Goss, G.G., Blewett, T.A. 2020. Changes to hepatic nutrient dynamics and energetics in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following exposure to and recovery from hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water. Sci. Tot. Environ. 142893.
40. Weinrauch, A. M., Folkerts, E.J., Blewett, T.A., Bucking, C., and Anderson W. G. 2020. Impacts of low salinity exposure and antibiotic application on gut transport activity in the Pacific spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias suckleyi . J. Comp. Physiol. B. 190, 535-545 .
39. Folkerts, E.J., Goss, G.G. and Blewett, T.A. 2020. Hydraulic fracturing toxicity to fish and invertebrates: a review. Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., pp 1-56.
38. McLaughlin, M., Blotevogel J., Watson, R., Schell, B., Blewett, T.A., Folkerts, E.J, Goss, G,Truong, L., Tanguay, R., Argueso, J. L. Borch, T. 2020. Mutagenicity assessment downstream of oil and gas produced water discharges intended for agricultural beneficial reuse. Sci. Tot. Environ. 715: 136944.
37. Rutherford, R., Lister A., Bosker, T., Blewett, T.A., Gillio-Meina, E., Chehade, I., Kanagasabesan, T., and MacLatchy, D. 2020. Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) are less sensitive to 17alpha - ethinylestradiol (EE2) than other common model teleosts: A comparative review of reproductive effects. Gen. Comp. Endo. 289: 1113378
36. Garman, D., Meyer, J., Bergeron, C.M., Blewett, T.A., Clements, W.H., Elias, M.C., Farley, K.J., Gissi, F., Ryan, A.C. 2020. Validation of Bioavailability- based toxicity models for metals. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 39:101-117.
35. Weinrauch, A.M., Blewett, T.A. Glover, C.N., Goss, G.G. 2020. Acquisition of alanyl-alanine in an Agnathan: Mechanisms of dipeptide transport across the hindgut of the Pacific hagfish. J. Fish. Biol. 1-9.
34. Weinrauch, A.M., Blewett, T.A. 2019. Anoxia tolerance in the sea cucumbers Parastichopus californicus and Cucumaria miniata reflects habitat use. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 520:151203.
33. Blewett, T.A., Qi, A.A., Zhang, Y., Weinrauch, A.M., Blair, S.D., Folkerts, E.J., Sheedy, C., Nilsson, D., and Goss, G.G.2019. Toxicity of nanoencapsulated bifenthrin to rainbow trout (Oncohynchus mykiss). Environ. Sci.:Nano. 6: 2777-2785.
32. Safari, S., von Gunten, K., Alam, M. S., Hubmann, M., Blewett, T.A., Chi, Z., Alessi, D. S. 2019. Biochar colloids and their use in contaminants removal. Biochar.
31. Folkerts, E.J., Blewett, T.A., Delompré, P.L.M., Mehler, T., Flynn, S.L., Sun, C., Zhang, Y., Martin, J.W., Alessi, D.S. and Goss, G.G. 2019. Toxicity in model species exposed to temporally different flowback and produced water samples collected from a single horizontal hydraulic fractured well. Ecotox. Environ. Saf., 180: 600-609.
30. Delompré, P.L.M., Blewett, T.A., Snihur, K.N., Flynn, S.L., Alessi, D.S., Glover, C.N and Goss, G.G. 2019. The osmotic effect of hyper-saline hydraulic fracturing fluid on rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquat. Toxicol., 211: 1-10.
29. Delompré, P.L.M., Blewett, T.A., Goss, G.G. and Glover, C.N. 2019. Shedding light on the effects of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water on the phototactic behaviour in Daphnia magna. Ecotox. Environ. Saf., 174: 315-323.
28. Tasker, T.L., Burgos, W.D., Piotrowski, P., Castillo-Meza, L., Blewett, T.A., Ganow, K.B., Delompré, P.L.M., Goss, G.G., Fowler, L.B., Van den Heuvel, J.P., Dorman, F. and Warner, N. 2018. Environmental and human health impacts of spreading oil and gas wastewater on roads. Environ. Sci. Technol., 52, 7081-7091.
27. Blewett, T.A., Dow, E., McGeer, J.C., Wood, C.M. and Smith, D.S. 2018. The role of dissolved organic carbon concentration and composition in ameliorating nickel toxicity to early life-stages of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Ecotox. Environ. Saf.,160, 162- 170.
26. Blewett, T.A., Delompre, P.L.M., Glover, C.N. and Goss, G.G. 2018. Physical toxicity of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water to Daphnia magna. Sci. Tot. Environ., 643, 639-643.
25. Zhang, Y., Blewett, T.A., Val, A., Val, D. and Goss, G.G. 2018. UV induced toxicity of cerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs) and the protective properties of natural organic matter from Rio Negro Amazon River. Environ. Sci. Nano, 5, 476-486.
24. Blewett, T.A. and Goss, G.G. 2017. A novel pathway of nutrient absorption in crustaceans: branchial amino acid uptake in the green shore crab (Carcinus maenas). Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 284, 20171298. Featured in an “Outside JEB” article.
23. Folkerts E.J., Blewett, T.A., He, Y. and Goss, G.G. 2017. Induced cardio-respirometry disruption during development in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos exposed to sub-lethal hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water. Aquat. Toxicol., 193, 50-59.
22. Folkerts E.J., Blewett, T.A., He, Y. and Goss, G.G. 2017. Alterations to juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio) fitness after an acute embryonic exposure to sub-lethal dilutions of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water. Environ. Pollut., 231, 1477-1487.
21. Blewett, T.A., Newton, D., Flynn, S.L., Alessi, D.S., Goss, G.G. and Hamilton, T.J. 2017. Behavioural effects of cadmium on the green shore crab (Carcinus maenas) after an acute exposure. Conserv. Physiol., 5, 1-13.
20. Blewett, T.A., Simon, R.A., Turko, A.J. and Wright, P.A. 2017. Copper alters hypoxia sensitivity and the behavioural emersion response in the amphibious fish Kryptolebias marmoratus. Aquat. Toxicol., 189, 25-30.
19. Blewett, T.A., Weinrauch, A., Delompré, P., and Goss, G.G. 2017. Effects of hydraulic fracturing on the oxidative stress response in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Sci. Rep., 7, 46582.
18. Blewett, T.A., Delompré, P., He, Y., Folkerts, E., Flynn, S., Alessi, D. and Goss, G.G. 2017. Chronic exposure of hydraulic fracturing fluid impacts reproduction in Daphnia magna. Environ. Sci. Technol., 51, 3032-3039.
17. Blewett, T.A. and Leonard, E. 2017. Mechanisms of nickel toxicity to fish and invertebrates in marine and estuarine waters. Environ. Pollut., 223, 211-322.
16. Glover, C.N., Blewett, T.A. and Wood C.M. 2017. Effect of environmental salinity manipulation on uptake rates and distribution patterns of waterborne amino acids in the Pacific hagfish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A, 204, 164-168.
15. Glover, C.N., Blewett, T.A. and Wood C.M. 2016. Determining the functional role of waterborne amino acid uptake in hagfish nutrition: a constitutive pathway when fasting or a supplementary pathway when feeding? J. Comp. Physiol. B, 186, 843-853.
14. Niyogi, S., Blewett, T.A., Gallagher, T., Fehsenfeld, S. and Wood, CM. 2016. Effects of salinity on short-term waterborne zinc uptake, accumulation and sub-lethal toxicity in the green shore crab (Carcinus maenas). Aquat. Toxicol., 178, 132-140.
13. Blewett, T.A., Wood C.M. and Glover, C.N. 2016. Salinity-dependent nickel accumulation and effects on respiration, ion regulation and oxidative stress in the galaxiid fish, Galaxias maculatus. Environ. Pollut., 211, 370-381.
12. Glover, C.N., Niyogi S., Blewett, T.A. and Wood, C.M. 2016. Iron transport across the skin and gut epithelia of Pacific hagfish: kinetic characterisation and effect of hypoxia. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A. 199, 1-7.
11. Blewett, T.A., Wood, C.M., Smith, D.S. and Glover, C.N. 2016. Mechanisms of nickel toxicity in the highly sensitive embryos of the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus, and the modifying effects of natural organic matter. Environ. Sci. Technol., 50, 1595-1603.
10. Blewett, T.A., Ransberry, V.E., McClelland, G.B. and Wood, C.M. 2016. Investigating the mechanisms of Ni uptake and sub-lethal toxicity in the Atlantic killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, in relation to salinity. Environ. Pollut., 211, 370-381.
9. Ransberry, V.E., Blewett, T.A., Wood, C.M. and McClelland, G.B. 2016. The oxidative response in freshwater-acclimated killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) to acute copper and hypoxia exposure. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C, 179, 11-18.
8. Blewett, T.A. and Wood, C.M. 2015. Low salinity enhances Ni toxicity and causes oxidative stress in the green shore crab (Carcinus maenas). Ecotox. Environ. Saf., 122: 159-170.
7. Blewett, T.A., Glover, C.N., Fehsenfeld, S., Lawrence, M.J., Niyogi, S., Goss, G.G. and Wood, C.M. 2015. Making sense of Ni toxicity in saline waters: Fate and effects of Ni in the estuarine crab Carcinus maenas. Aquat. Toxicol., 164, 23-33.
6. Ransberry, V.E., Morash, A.J., Blewett, T.A., Wood, C.M. and McClelland, G.B. 2015. Oxidative stress and metabolic responses to copper in the freshwater and seawater acclimated killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). Aquat. Toxicol., 161: 242-252.
5. Glover, C.N., Blewett, T.A. and Wood, C.M. 2015. A novel route of toxicant exposure in an ancient extant vertebrate: Nickel uptake by hagfish skin and the modifying effect of slime. Environ. Sci. Technol., 49, 1896-1902.
4. Blewett, T.A. and Wood C.M. 2015.Salinity-dependent Ni accumulation and oxidative stress responses in the euryhaline killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 68, 382-394.
3. Blewett, T.A., Chow, T.L., MacLatchy, D.L. and Wood, C.M. 2014. A species comparison of 17-α-ethynylestradiol uptake and tissue-specific distribution in six teleost fish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C, 161, 33-40.
2. Blewett, T.A., Robertson, L.M, MacLatchy, D.L. and Wood, C.M. 2013. Impact of environmental oxygen, exercise, salinity, and metabolic rate on the uptake and tissue-specific distribution of 17α-ethynylestradiol in the euryhaline teleost Fundulus heteroclitus. Aquat. Toxicol., 138-139: 43-51.
1. Blewett, T., MacLatchy, D.L. and Wood, C.M. 2013. The effects of temperature and salinity on 17-α- ethynylestradiol uptake and its relationship to oxygen consumption in the model euryhaline teleost (Fundulus heteroclitus). Aquat. Toxicol., 127: 61-71.
69. Weinrauch, A., Blewett, T.A., Anderson, W.G. 2025. Characterization of intestitnal amino acid and oleic acid absorption and their interaction in the Pacific spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi). J. Comp. Phyiol. B. Accepted.
68. Overduin, S., Killen, S.S., Zimmer, A.M., McCuaig J.D., Cotgrove, L., Aragao I., Rozanitis, K.J., Konhauser, O.K., Alessi, D.S., Blewett, T.A. 2025. Social context affects tissue-specific copper distribution and behaviour of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safe, 289, 117432.
67. Tiddy, I., Cortese, D., Munson, A., Blewett, T.A., Killen, S.S. 2024. Impacts of anthropogenic pollutants on social group cohesion and individual sociability in fish: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Environ. Poll. 363, 125017.
66. Boyd, A., Martin, S., Legge, A. and Blewett. T.A. Are sunscreens better together? A comparison of the toxicity of individual ultraviolet filters and off-the-shelf sunscreens. Environ. Poll. 362, 124953.
65. Cowen, Z.L., Green, L., Clark, T.D., Blewett, T.A., De Bonville J., Gagnon, T., Hoots, E., Kunchenmuller, L., Leeuwis, R. H. J., Navajas Acedo, J., Rowsey, L.E., Scheuffele, H., Skeeles, M.R., Silva-Garay, L., Jutfelt, F., Binning, S.A. 2024. Global change and premature hatching of aquatic embryos. Glob. Change. Biol. 30, 10.1111/gcb.17488.
64. Weinrauch, A.M., Dumar, Z.J., Overduin S.L., Goss, G.G., Leys, S.P., Blewett, T.A. Evidence for transporter-mediated uptake of environmental l-glutamate in a freshwater sponge, Ephydatia muelleri. J. Comp. Physiol. B. 194, 10.17632/54zmgtkp2t.1.
63. Blewett, T.A., Ackerly, K., Schlenker, L., Martin, S., Nielsen, K. 2024. Implications of Biotic Factors for Toxicity Testing in Laboratory Studies. Sci. Tot. Environ. 908, 168220.
62. Stewart C.B., Lowes, H.M., Mehler, W.T., Snihur, K.N., Flynn, S.L., Alessi, D.S., Blewett.T.A. 2023. Spatial and Temporal Variation in Toxicity and Composition of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback and Produced Water. J. Haz. Mat. 460, 132490.
61. Griffin, R.A., McCuaig J.D., Glover, C.N., Blewett, T.A. 2023. Waterborne amino acids: uptake and functional roles in aquatic animals. Accepted in Journal of Experimental Biology. Invited Commentary. 226, jeb245375.
60. Suominen E., Speers-Roesch, B., Fadhlaoui, M. Patrice, C., Blewett, T.A., Cremazy A. 2023. The effects of winter cold acclimation on the acute and chronic cadmium bioaccumulation and toxicity in the banded killifish (Fundulus diaphanus). Aqua.Toxicol. 262, 106667.
59. Jeong, N., Wiltse, M., Boyd, A., Blewett, T.A., Park, S., Broeckling, C., Wang, R., Lin, S., Borch, T, Tong, T. 2023. Efficacy of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis for the treatment of oil-field produced water intended for beneficial reuse. Environ. Sci. Technol. Engineer. *ACS editor's choice paper. 3, 10, 1568-1581.
58. Griffin R.A., Boyd, A. and Blewett, T.A. The secret dining habits of crabs: investigations into branchial L-leucine transport in invasive and native crustaceans. Con. Physiol. Volume 11.
57. Griffin, R.A., McCuaig J.D., Blewett, T.A. Anthropogenic contaminant effects on crustacean physiology. In: Biology of Carcinus maenas, Editors: Iain McGaw and Dirk Weihrauch. *Invited Book Chapter*
56. Lowes, H.M, Eliason, E.J., Snihur, K.N., Alessi, D.S., Blewett, T.A .2023. Copper toxicity does not affect low tide emersion tolerance of Mytilus galloprovincialis. Mar. Poll. Bull. 189, 114750.
55. Lowes H.M., Weinrauch, A.M., Bouyoucos, I.A., Griffin, R.A., Daniels, K., Alessi, D.S., Blewett, T.A. 2023. Copper exposure does not alter the ability of intertidal sea cucumber Cucumaria miniate to tolerate emersion during low tide. Sci. Tot. Environ. 872:162085.
54. Boyd, A.* Luu, I.,* Mehta, D., Myers, S.P., Stewart, C.B., Shivakumar, K.R., Snihur, K., Alessi, D.S., Rodriguez Gallo, M.C., Veilleux, H., Wiltse, M.E.m Borch, T., Uhrig, R.G. and Blewett, T.A. 2023. Persisting effects following an acute exposure to flowback and produced waters in Daphnia magna. Environ. Sci. Technol. 57 (6), 2380-2392.
* Indicates co-first authorship.
53. Boyd, A., Choi, J., Ren, G., How, Z.T., Gamal El Din, M., Tierney, K.B., Blewett, T.A. 2023. Can short-term data accurately model long-term environmental exposures? Investigating the multigenerational adaptation potential of Daphnia magna to environmental concentrations of organic ultraviolet filters. J. Haz. Mat. 445. 130598.
52. Blewett T.A., Binning S.A., Weinraunch, A.M., Ivy, C.M., Rossi, G.S., Borowiec, B.G., Lau, G.Y., Overduin, S., Aragao, I. and Norin, T. Physiology and behavioural strategies of aquatic animals living in fluctuating environments. J. Exp. Biol. 225.
51. Turko, A.J., Rossi, G.S., Blewett, T.A., Currie, S., Taylor, S.D., Wright, P.A., Standen, E.M.2022. Context-dependent relationships between athletic performance and body composition in the amphibious fish Krytolebias marmoratus. J. Exp. Biol. 225.
50. Martin, K.E., Blewett. T.A., Burnett, M., Rubinger, K.C., Standen, E.M., Taylor, S.D., Trueman, D.J., Turko, A., Weir, L., West, C.M., Wright, P.A., Currie, S. 2022. The importance of familiarity, relatedness and vision in social recognition in wild and laboratory populations of a selfing, hermaphroditic mangrove fish. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 76:34.
49. Cooper, C, McCall, J., Stokes, S., McKay, C., Bentley, M., Rosenblum, J., Blewett, T.A., Huang, Z., Miara, A., Talmadge, M., Evans, A., Sitterley, K, Kurup, P., Stokes-Draut, J., Macknick, J., Borch, T., Cath, T. and Katz, L. 2022. Oil and gas produced water reuse: opportunities, treatment needs and challenges. Environ. Sci. Technol: Engineering. 2, 3, 347-366.
48. Boyd, A., Myer, S.P., Luu, I., Snihur, K., Alessi, D.S., Freitag, K., Blewett, T.A. 2022. A common well pad does not imply common toxicity: assessing the acute and chronic toxicity of four Montney Formation wells on the same well pad to the freshwater invertebrate Daphnia magna. In revision with Sci. Tot. Environ. 807:150986.
47. Blewett, T.A., Leonard, E.M., Glover, C.N., McClelland, G.B., Wood, C.M., McGeer, J.C., Santore, R.C., D. S. Smith. 2021. The effect of marine dissolved organic carbon on nickel accumulation in early life-stages of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Comp. Biochem. Phys. C. 250:109150.
46. Gauthier, P.T, Blewett, T.A., Garman, E.R., Schlekat, C.E., Middleton, E.T., Suominen, E.M., Cremazy, A. 2021. Environmental risk of nickel in aquatic Arctic ecosystems. Sci.Tot.Environ. 797:148921.
45. Sherman S., Weibin, C., Blewett, T.A., Middleton, E., Garman, E.R., Schlekat, C.E., McGeer, J., Smith, D.S. 2021. Complexation reduces nickel toxicity to purple sea urchin embryos (Stronglyocentrotus purpuratus), a test of biotic ligand principles in sea water. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 216:112156.
44. Blewett, T.A., Boyd, A., Folkerts, E.J., Snihur, K.N., Alessi, D.S., Goss, G.G. 2021. Effect of temperature on phenanthrene accumulation from hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Environ. Poll. 272:116411.
43. Lowes H.M., Snihur, K.N., Alessi, D.S., Clements, C.J., Blewett. T.A. 2021. Group vs Individual exposure: Do methodological decisions in aquatic toxicology alter experimental results? Sci. Tot. Environ. 764:144288.
42. Boyd, A., Stewart, C.B., Philibert, D.A. , How, Z.T., Gamal El Din, M., Tierney, K.B., Blewett, T.A. 2021. A burning issue: the effect of organic ultraviolet filter exposure on the behaviour and physiology of Daphnia magna. Sci. Tot. Environ. 750:141707.
41. Weinrauch, A.M., Folkerts, E.J., Alessi, D.S., Goss, G.G., Blewett, T.A. 2020. Changes to hepatic nutrient dynamics and energetics in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following exposure to and recovery from hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water. Sci. Tot. Environ. 142893.
40. Weinrauch, A. M., Folkerts, E.J., Blewett, T.A., Bucking, C., and Anderson W. G. 2020. Impacts of low salinity exposure and antibiotic application on gut transport activity in the Pacific spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias suckleyi . J. Comp. Physiol. B. 190, 535-545 .
39. Folkerts, E.J., Goss, G.G. and Blewett, T.A. 2020. Hydraulic fracturing toxicity to fish and invertebrates: a review. Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., pp 1-56.
38. McLaughlin, M., Blotevogel J., Watson, R., Schell, B., Blewett, T.A., Folkerts, E.J, Goss, G,Truong, L., Tanguay, R., Argueso, J. L. Borch, T. 2020. Mutagenicity assessment downstream of oil and gas produced water discharges intended for agricultural beneficial reuse. Sci. Tot. Environ. 715: 136944.
37. Rutherford, R., Lister A., Bosker, T., Blewett, T.A., Gillio-Meina, E., Chehade, I., Kanagasabesan, T., and MacLatchy, D. 2020. Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) are less sensitive to 17alpha - ethinylestradiol (EE2) than other common model teleosts: A comparative review of reproductive effects. Gen. Comp. Endo. 289: 1113378
36. Garman, D., Meyer, J., Bergeron, C.M., Blewett, T.A., Clements, W.H., Elias, M.C., Farley, K.J., Gissi, F., Ryan, A.C. 2020. Validation of Bioavailability- based toxicity models for metals. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 39:101-117.
35. Weinrauch, A.M., Blewett, T.A. Glover, C.N., Goss, G.G. 2020. Acquisition of alanyl-alanine in an Agnathan: Mechanisms of dipeptide transport across the hindgut of the Pacific hagfish. J. Fish. Biol. 1-9.
34. Weinrauch, A.M., Blewett, T.A. 2019. Anoxia tolerance in the sea cucumbers Parastichopus californicus and Cucumaria miniata reflects habitat use. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 520:151203.
33. Blewett, T.A., Qi, A.A., Zhang, Y., Weinrauch, A.M., Blair, S.D., Folkerts, E.J., Sheedy, C., Nilsson, D., and Goss, G.G.2019. Toxicity of nanoencapsulated bifenthrin to rainbow trout (Oncohynchus mykiss). Environ. Sci.:Nano. 6: 2777-2785.
32. Safari, S., von Gunten, K., Alam, M. S., Hubmann, M., Blewett, T.A., Chi, Z., Alessi, D. S. 2019. Biochar colloids and their use in contaminants removal. Biochar.
31. Folkerts, E.J., Blewett, T.A., Delompré, P.L.M., Mehler, T., Flynn, S.L., Sun, C., Zhang, Y., Martin, J.W., Alessi, D.S. and Goss, G.G. 2019. Toxicity in model species exposed to temporally different flowback and produced water samples collected from a single horizontal hydraulic fractured well. Ecotox. Environ. Saf., 180: 600-609.
30. Delompré, P.L.M., Blewett, T.A., Snihur, K.N., Flynn, S.L., Alessi, D.S., Glover, C.N and Goss, G.G. 2019. The osmotic effect of hyper-saline hydraulic fracturing fluid on rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquat. Toxicol., 211: 1-10.
29. Delompré, P.L.M., Blewett, T.A., Goss, G.G. and Glover, C.N. 2019. Shedding light on the effects of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water on the phototactic behaviour in Daphnia magna. Ecotox. Environ. Saf., 174: 315-323.
28. Tasker, T.L., Burgos, W.D., Piotrowski, P., Castillo-Meza, L., Blewett, T.A., Ganow, K.B., Delompré, P.L.M., Goss, G.G., Fowler, L.B., Van den Heuvel, J.P., Dorman, F. and Warner, N. 2018. Environmental and human health impacts of spreading oil and gas wastewater on roads. Environ. Sci. Technol., 52, 7081-7091.
27. Blewett, T.A., Dow, E., McGeer, J.C., Wood, C.M. and Smith, D.S. 2018. The role of dissolved organic carbon concentration and composition in ameliorating nickel toxicity to early life-stages of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Ecotox. Environ. Saf.,160, 162- 170.
26. Blewett, T.A., Delompre, P.L.M., Glover, C.N. and Goss, G.G. 2018. Physical toxicity of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water to Daphnia magna. Sci. Tot. Environ., 643, 639-643.
25. Zhang, Y., Blewett, T.A., Val, A., Val, D. and Goss, G.G. 2018. UV induced toxicity of cerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs) and the protective properties of natural organic matter from Rio Negro Amazon River. Environ. Sci. Nano, 5, 476-486.
24. Blewett, T.A. and Goss, G.G. 2017. A novel pathway of nutrient absorption in crustaceans: branchial amino acid uptake in the green shore crab (Carcinus maenas). Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 284, 20171298. Featured in an “Outside JEB” article.
23. Folkerts E.J., Blewett, T.A., He, Y. and Goss, G.G. 2017. Induced cardio-respirometry disruption during development in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos exposed to sub-lethal hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water. Aquat. Toxicol., 193, 50-59.
22. Folkerts E.J., Blewett, T.A., He, Y. and Goss, G.G. 2017. Alterations to juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio) fitness after an acute embryonic exposure to sub-lethal dilutions of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water. Environ. Pollut., 231, 1477-1487.
21. Blewett, T.A., Newton, D., Flynn, S.L., Alessi, D.S., Goss, G.G. and Hamilton, T.J. 2017. Behavioural effects of cadmium on the green shore crab (Carcinus maenas) after an acute exposure. Conserv. Physiol., 5, 1-13.
20. Blewett, T.A., Simon, R.A., Turko, A.J. and Wright, P.A. 2017. Copper alters hypoxia sensitivity and the behavioural emersion response in the amphibious fish Kryptolebias marmoratus. Aquat. Toxicol., 189, 25-30.
19. Blewett, T.A., Weinrauch, A., Delompré, P., and Goss, G.G. 2017. Effects of hydraulic fracturing on the oxidative stress response in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Sci. Rep., 7, 46582.
18. Blewett, T.A., Delompré, P., He, Y., Folkerts, E., Flynn, S., Alessi, D. and Goss, G.G. 2017. Chronic exposure of hydraulic fracturing fluid impacts reproduction in Daphnia magna. Environ. Sci. Technol., 51, 3032-3039.
17. Blewett, T.A. and Leonard, E. 2017. Mechanisms of nickel toxicity to fish and invertebrates in marine and estuarine waters. Environ. Pollut., 223, 211-322.
16. Glover, C.N., Blewett, T.A. and Wood C.M. 2017. Effect of environmental salinity manipulation on uptake rates and distribution patterns of waterborne amino acids in the Pacific hagfish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A, 204, 164-168.
15. Glover, C.N., Blewett, T.A. and Wood C.M. 2016. Determining the functional role of waterborne amino acid uptake in hagfish nutrition: a constitutive pathway when fasting or a supplementary pathway when feeding? J. Comp. Physiol. B, 186, 843-853.
14. Niyogi, S., Blewett, T.A., Gallagher, T., Fehsenfeld, S. and Wood, CM. 2016. Effects of salinity on short-term waterborne zinc uptake, accumulation and sub-lethal toxicity in the green shore crab (Carcinus maenas). Aquat. Toxicol., 178, 132-140.
13. Blewett, T.A., Wood C.M. and Glover, C.N. 2016. Salinity-dependent nickel accumulation and effects on respiration, ion regulation and oxidative stress in the galaxiid fish, Galaxias maculatus. Environ. Pollut., 211, 370-381.
12. Glover, C.N., Niyogi S., Blewett, T.A. and Wood, C.M. 2016. Iron transport across the skin and gut epithelia of Pacific hagfish: kinetic characterisation and effect of hypoxia. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A. 199, 1-7.
11. Blewett, T.A., Wood, C.M., Smith, D.S. and Glover, C.N. 2016. Mechanisms of nickel toxicity in the highly sensitive embryos of the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus, and the modifying effects of natural organic matter. Environ. Sci. Technol., 50, 1595-1603.
10. Blewett, T.A., Ransberry, V.E., McClelland, G.B. and Wood, C.M. 2016. Investigating the mechanisms of Ni uptake and sub-lethal toxicity in the Atlantic killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, in relation to salinity. Environ. Pollut., 211, 370-381.
9. Ransberry, V.E., Blewett, T.A., Wood, C.M. and McClelland, G.B. 2016. The oxidative response in freshwater-acclimated killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) to acute copper and hypoxia exposure. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C, 179, 11-18.
8. Blewett, T.A. and Wood, C.M. 2015. Low salinity enhances Ni toxicity and causes oxidative stress in the green shore crab (Carcinus maenas). Ecotox. Environ. Saf., 122: 159-170.
7. Blewett, T.A., Glover, C.N., Fehsenfeld, S., Lawrence, M.J., Niyogi, S., Goss, G.G. and Wood, C.M. 2015. Making sense of Ni toxicity in saline waters: Fate and effects of Ni in the estuarine crab Carcinus maenas. Aquat. Toxicol., 164, 23-33.
6. Ransberry, V.E., Morash, A.J., Blewett, T.A., Wood, C.M. and McClelland, G.B. 2015. Oxidative stress and metabolic responses to copper in the freshwater and seawater acclimated killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). Aquat. Toxicol., 161: 242-252.
5. Glover, C.N., Blewett, T.A. and Wood, C.M. 2015. A novel route of toxicant exposure in an ancient extant vertebrate: Nickel uptake by hagfish skin and the modifying effect of slime. Environ. Sci. Technol., 49, 1896-1902.
4. Blewett, T.A. and Wood C.M. 2015.Salinity-dependent Ni accumulation and oxidative stress responses in the euryhaline killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 68, 382-394.
3. Blewett, T.A., Chow, T.L., MacLatchy, D.L. and Wood, C.M. 2014. A species comparison of 17-α-ethynylestradiol uptake and tissue-specific distribution in six teleost fish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C, 161, 33-40.
2. Blewett, T.A., Robertson, L.M, MacLatchy, D.L. and Wood, C.M. 2013. Impact of environmental oxygen, exercise, salinity, and metabolic rate on the uptake and tissue-specific distribution of 17α-ethynylestradiol in the euryhaline teleost Fundulus heteroclitus. Aquat. Toxicol., 138-139: 43-51.
1. Blewett, T., MacLatchy, D.L. and Wood, C.M. 2013. The effects of temperature and salinity on 17-α- ethynylestradiol uptake and its relationship to oxygen consumption in the model euryhaline teleost (Fundulus heteroclitus). Aquat. Toxicol., 127: 61-71.